
Sunday, January 9, 2011


A good friend has just lost her dad.
Mak Piah turut merasa sedih.
I know how hard it is.
Losing that MAN in one's life.
I lost mine a few years ago.
And the pain is unbearable.
Till today, everytime I think of him, I feel a sharp pain in my heart.
I almost lost myself when it happened.
Like the world crushed down on me.

Nevertheless, I am glad that this dear friend of mine was able to see the father when he passed on.

Selamat jalan utk ayahanda tercinta dari sahabatku yg telah pulang ke rumah BAPA di surga dgn damai sejahtera.
Semoga Tuhan memberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan utk seluruh keluarga yg ditinggalkan.

1 comment:

  1. masih punya ayah dan ibu
    akan sedaya mungkin membahagiakan mereka


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