
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hari ini 3 years ago...

I got a call from my sister early in the morning.
'father has been admitted to the hospital. Come home'
I knew something bad has happened.

I went blank.
No one was home.
I didnt know what to do.
Or how to react.

I ran up and down the street where I lived for abt 30mins or maybe longer before I went to the office to ask for emergency leave.
It was granted.
Unfortunately, here, I would need an exit visa.
That would take 3 working days.

So I opted to deadhead to Surabaya, Indonesia.
There I was stranded for another 3 days before boarding a flight to KL.
When I landed in KL, I kinda know, father has gone to meet his Creator.

From Kl to my hometown takes 1'40mins.
My brother in law pick me up at the airport to drive me another 4 hours before I get home.
We sat in silence for the whole journey.
Not word in that 4 hours span.
*not that my brother in law read this, but thank U. I remember now I didnt thanked him for picking me up in his old 4 wheel drive.*

I reached my home at about midnight to my lifeless father.
To those who has loved ones who has passed on, you might understand.
I cried a river as my world crushed on me.
I choked a couple of time.

I didnt say hello to anyone.
But I guess everyone understand.

Aaaaaaaarghhhh..I would like to continue but my tears just wont stop.

Kher, as I fondly call him.

I miss you.
Grief can't be shared.
Everyone carries it alone,his own burden,his own way.


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